Republic Restoration Initiative

Objective Pursuit Teams and their misssion/objectives Education - educate as many of the world’s people as possible on how America’s Republic has been illegally transformed from a nation based on the principles of natural law and the sovereignty of the individual to one ruled in accordance with the Communist Manifesto; principles that are diametrically opposed to our Republic’s founding principles. We must educate people of the need to terminate Federal control of education and to assure our Nation’s true history is taught in schools. We must educate them on how the RRI can help and their need to join RRI and become active in achieving these goals.

Partisan Political Action – assume control of the major political parties at the precinct level or assure voters are provided an alternative to the major political parties with one having a platform that complies with the Constitution. Assure candidates for political office possess the knowledge, courage and integrity needed to honor their oath and make them known to the voters.

Clergy – educate America’s clergy on the ungodly nature of our problem and the need to honor the 1 st Commandment by being an un incorporated entity. Identify and support pastors willing to support our GOAL by informing their congregations of important truths and of the RRI.

Law enforcement – assure every law enforcement person possible (military and civilian) understands America’s problem; identify those willing to help solve it; remind them of their oath to obey the constitution (especially the Bill of Rights) and that their first duty is to protect people from violations of their rights; NOT TO ENFORCE UNCONSTITUTIONAL STATUTES, ORDERS, OR COMMANDS FROM GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS.

Veteran activation/coordination – educate veterans on the need to honor their oath; inspire them to act; coordinate the efforts of friendly veterans; identify cooperative and uncooperative veteran organizations and inform all veterans of them. Inspire them to form RRI Chapters in their communities and assure protection of people’s Rights.

Legal initiatives – identify, develop, and pursue legal actions needed in support of the RRI’s goal in cooperation with the OPT advisory board and NLT, assure jury members fully understand their rights. Ultimately we must create a bottom up legal system based on common law with LOCAL jural assemblies as the ultimate power base of the entire justice system. BAR attorneys must not be allowed to hold positions anywhere in this system or in any legislature at any level of governance; local, county, state, or national.

Legislative initiatives – identify legislative actions needed in support of our goal; determine if any such action is now being pursued; prepare legislation for needs not being addressed; coordinate efforts in support of the legislation with and through the NIT; identify legislators in each state willing to honor their oath of office and to support the RRI’s efforts.

National Economic Recovery – develop a plan/program for returning America to the monetary, fiscal, and social policies meeting the Constitution’s intent and identify any constitutional amendment(s) or changes to legislation that might be required to make the plan/program lawful.

Constitutional considerations – prevent formal termination of our Constitution; inspire State legislatures to formally identify major “Federal actions” exceeding the clear bounds of Federal delegated authority as alleged by thirty governors on 11-22-94, review the Constitution to identify revisions needed to assure it can be complied with in today’s realities and to insure the document is self policing.

Cleansing America of domestic enemies – assure everyone residing in America is in compliance with our Laws and supportive of our culture.

Constitutional Considerations – assure the Constitution of 1787 with the original Bill of Rights (including preamble) installed at the beginning of the Constitution (first 10 articles) is recognized as the Supreme Law and protect it from any and all efforts to prevent it from fulfilling its original intent.

Judicial & Criminal Justice Reform – Educate people on these truths. The Supreme Court and the Judiciary ACT of 1789 resulted from legislation passed at the insistence of BAR attorneys in order to increase their power over government and the people. These can be overturned by legislation. Ordinary people, not BAR attorneys, are to be in charge of the entire judicial system with the heart of it being the local jural assemblies. Educate everyone on how to participate in local jural assemblies in order to assure the criminal justice system at all levels operates under Natural and Common Law traditions. This will be the ultimate check on the state executive/legislative branches and the national legislative/executive branches which our current supreme court hasn’t been and was never intended to be by the BAR attorneys.

Federal Land ownership/control – assure the Federal government’s ownership and/or control of land is as authorized in the Constitution of 1787. All land being unconstitutionally controlled by the Federal government will be returned to the states. This includes any land that has been given to the United Nations or any entity affiliated with it.

Organizational Development – grow the RRI into a movement possessing the political clout needed to force incumbent elected officials to honor their oath or be replaced in the shortest possible time and assure all positions within the RRI organizational structure are filled.

National Patriotic Media Association – identify and compile contact information for every audio, video, and written media outlet supportive of the RRI goal.

Health - educate people on how to be healthy and maintain their own health. A health system based on personal responsibility is the only kind of SYSTEM that makes sense. No person should have to be responsible for another person who has done nothing to maintain a healthy lifestyle or care for their own health needs. Educating people on how to create and maintain a healthy immune system is the best health system we can offer to our fellow citizens. Educate everyone on how their community can create associations of capable health practitioners willing to share their modalities and knowledge with other community members.

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Walter Myers

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