Regarding unalienable Right to Life

Whereas, the Declaration of Independence states that government’s purpose is to secure for Americans their unalienable Rights to Life. Liberty and pursuit of Happiness and
Whereas, the RRI acknowledges it is axiomatic that any act by government or others that diminishes or destroys a person’s ability to enjoy a God given unalienable Right is an unlawful act and
Whereas, the RRI accepts the scientific fact that Life begins at conception and that while people have the right to prevent a life from being conceived by any means of their choosing it is an ungodly criminal act for them to in anyway interfere with the normal development and birth of a fetus or the normal growth of a child therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that RRI finds that any act designed to alter or destroy the development of a fetus and its birth or the normal development of a child following her or his birth is an unlawful act to be treated as murder and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the RRI urges the County Board of Supervisors/County Commissioners in the county of ______________, State of ___________________ to pass an ordinance supporting the RRI position and that the County Sheriff is to arrest anyone violating this position and charge them with murder.

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Walter Myers

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