A Resolution by the City of ______________, State of _____________

Whereas, thirty Republican governors agreed "Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated Rights guaranteed to the people;" and;

Whereas, on 8/12/98 General Ray Davis, former Commandant, USMC and Governor Evan Mecham (R-AZ) issued a “Call to Action” identifying important un constitutional “Federal actions” and

Whereas, these un constitutional “actions” transformed America in many ways including suspension of our Constitution as admitted in U.S. Senate report 93-549 dated 1973 saying; "Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.........For 40 years (now over 80 years), freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency..... " and;

Whereas, the admission in Senate report 93-549 proves the Republican governors allegation to be true and that America is now ruled by TYRANTS and

Whereas, a nation must either be governed by laws or be a lawless nation and

Whereas, our states, as the Principals to the Constitution and under the Law of Agency hold the ultimate responsibility and authority for the proper interpretation and implementation of our Constitution and

Whereas, in the interest of liberty for ourselves, our constituents and our posterity we find it urgent and essential action be taken “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them by the Constitution;” the pledge of the thirty Republican governors,

Be it Resolved, the undersigned, on behalf of our constituents, request our state officials make an effort to assure America is returned to being a nation of laws in lieu of men by passing a bill establishing and funding a commission to identifying significant Federal actions alluded to by the 30 Republican governors and the people responsible for any given action and its perpetuation and

Be it further Resolved, the names of those found guilty of acts of omission or commission regarding an un constitutional act by the commission and the evidence in support of the finding be provided a Grand Jury authorized by Art. V of the Bill of Rights for consideration and possible action and

Be it further Resolved that should the Grand jury issue an indictment or Presentment, the state appoint a special prosecutor who, under penalty of law, will be responsible for adjudication of the product.

Approved by the City council of ____________, State of _______________ on ____/____/______.

Mayor; ________________________, City of _______________, state of _____________


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Walter Myers

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