Resolution re: Education

Whereas, the powers delegated to the Federal government from the States through the Constitution are limited and specific and

Whereas, the States delegated no power to the Federal government involving education and

Whereas, the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution make it crystal clear “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution….are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” and

Whereas, many students entering high school and college drop out prior to graduation or are incompetent upon graduation with a disproportionate number of them becoming criminals and

Whereas, on 11/22/1994 thirty Republican governors alleged "Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people” and

Whereas, the evidence to support the governors allegation is both clear and abundant and

Whereas, the Federal government has failed to adequately educate students on the true history of our State and nation and the sacred principles and procedures set forth in our State and Nation’s founding documents that are the foundation of liberty, and

Whereas, a State and nation’s future is highly contingent on the education of its youth it’s urgent and necessary the educational system in the state of ___________________ be used as a means to bypass the controlled media in order for people to be informed of serious matters affecting their lives and America’s future and

Be it Resolved, the Republic Restoration Initiative deems it imperative that the state of ___________________ nullify any and all federal laws purporting to give the Federal government authority over control of the states education process and that the state assure the curriculum at every level of education be overhauled with the objective of improving the quality of education in every area to include the truth of America’s history.

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Walter Myers

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