Resolution re: Questionable Federal action
House and/or Senate Joint Resolution ___. Introduced by: ___________________
Digest: This bill establishes a commission to examine evidence thought to cause thirty Republican governors to allege “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people,” to identify those responsible for the passage and/or perpetuation of any action it finds un constitutional and to submit its findings to a Grand Jury authorized by Art. V of the Bill of Rights for consideration and possible action.
Whereas, on 11-22-94 thirty Republican Governors' unanimously agreed "Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated Rights guaranteed to the people" and;
Whereas, evidence suggests this “Federal action” has subverted the Constitution of the United States in many ways; one being to give the Presidency powers beyond those cited in Art. II of the Constitution as confirmed in United States Senate's Report No. 93-549, wherein we find: "This vast range of (presidential emergency) powers . . . confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes," and;
Whereas, a nation must be one of laws or a lawless nation and to be lawful, the Federal government must comply with principles and policies set forth in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights when interpreted in the spirit and intent of America’s founders and all laws must be in support of life, liberty and happiness for Americans and;
Whereas, States created the federal government as an AGENT and as Principals to the Constitution and under the Law of Agency, they possess the ultimate authority and responsibility for its proper interpretation and implementation and;
Whereas, if the Republican governor’s allegation is true, states must assure those responsible for the un constitutional acts are held accountable under the law or admit we are a lawless nation and;
Whereas, voters only have the jury and ballot boxes through which to peacefully gain control of dishonest Federal officials, local and/or state governments must assure the reliability of these boxes so they can be effectively used by our constituents to hold dishonest officials accountable, so;
Be it Resolved, the Senate of the State of ___________________, the House thereof concurring, that we hereby establishes a commission to be composed of a randomly selected voter from each of the state’s congressional districts to determine:
- The commissions perception of the five most important un constitutional Federal actions.
- The people responsible for initiating, taking, and perpetuating the unlawful actions.
The commission shall prepare a report of its findings. Should it contain evidence in support of the governors allegation, it and the identity of those responsible for the un constitutional acts shall be provided a grand jury authorized by Art. 5 of the Bill of Rights, so;
Be it further resolved, that should the grand jury issue an indictment or Presentment, the legislature will assure a special prosecutor is appointed who, under penalty of law, will be responsible for adjudicating the grand jury product and;
Whereas, there’s strong evidence suggesting these alleged actions included announcing the ratification of, and implementing, several constitutional amendments whose purposes are diametrically opposed to constitutional intent and the destruction of the liberty our founding fathers sought for Americans though the amendments were never properly ratified; and;
Whereas, a comparative analysis of the rights of Americans as theoretically secured for us by our Bill of Rights and the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution with the operation of our nation reveals serious departure from those rights and;
Whereas, the initiation and continuation of these policies, and the legislation in support of them may be the result of emergency powers legislatively awarded the presidency over the years in violation of the Constitution, the implementation of constitutional amendments that are inconsistent with the spirit and intent of our nation's founders; the enforcement of policies and laws contained in treaties that contradict our Bill of Rights and policies, procedures and laws set forth in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution for the United States of America; and;
Whereas, the general and complete disarmament program being carried out today under Public Law 87-297 will soon result in the United States being unable to defend itself should Americans decide to return their government to within the limits prescribed by our Constitution for the United States of America the Commission is to determine:
- Why the United States Senate, in its Report No. 93-549, said that "freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution" have been "abridged" since 1933.
- Whether the Congress intends to repeal the Emergency Powers of the President cited in U.S. Senate Report 93-549 and all other Emergency Powers which may have been given the Presidency and which may have, or which may now be, "abridging" the Constitution for the United States of America and to reinstate the Constitution as the supreme law of the land; and if not, the action required by the states to ensure their agent takes that action promptly.
- Whether Amendments 11 to 26 to the Constitution for the United States of America were properly ratified and whether or not these amendments contributed to advancing the cause for which the United States of America was established as provided in the Preamble to the Constitution.
- Whether there are any constitutional amendments that were properly ratified, but subsequently removed without due process.
- What, if any, are the major Federal actions that have "exceeded the clear bounds of Federal jurisdiction under the Constitution," who was or is responsible for passing and/or perpetuating the actions, and whether or not these actions are in violation of the laws of Title 18 of the United States Criminal Code; so;
Be it further resolved, that any expenses incurred by the commission in carrying out its duties, to include those expenses necessary to obtain expert testimony, shall be paid from the operating funds of the Senate and the House, to be disbursed upon direction of the Joint Committee; and;
Be it further resolved, that the commission is to issue an interim report on its findings to the Legislature in not more than six months and that upon submission of its final report and completion of questioning by members of the Legislature, the commission shall be abolished.