Resolution re: Law Enforcement & Supreme Law


Whereas, America’s Supreme Law consists of the policies and procedures cited in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of 1787, and Bill of Rights and;

Whereas, “We the People” including America’s law enforcement personnel slept while enemies of our Constitution in government were at work unlawfully undermining our Supreme Law and;

Whereas, this treasonous activity has resulted in Americans now being governed by the principals and procedures found in the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto and;

Whereas, the Declaration of Independence says “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it……….” and;

Whereas, the Federal government, via the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933 (PL 73-1, 48 Stat. 1) applied the Trading with the Enemy Act enacted on October 6, 1917 to “We the People” and declared us to be its official enemy in defiance of its “just powers” and;

Whereas, the Federal government then began transforming our Republic into a nation-state of a New World Order (NWO) defined as “a world that has a supranational authority to regulate world commerce and industry, an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a world development fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order;” through a series of systematic and unlawful actions and;

Whereas, this NWO, by definition, is a global prison whose ’warden’ is an Imperial Oligarchy that has led America to the brink of a rightful civil war pitting “We the People” against the elected and appointed officials pretending to represent us but who, in reality, have represented the financial/industrial cartel who they sold out to and;

Whereas, a peaceful restoration of our Republic rests in meaningful actions; some of which must be taken by America’s Sheriffs who are under oath to uphold the Constitution; not some unconstitutional legislative act, statute or judicial decree and who have a fiduciary responsibility to assure “We the People” are able to enjoy our unalienable Rights and;

Whereas, it’s self-evident Americans must unite, collectively determine for themselves the legality of a government Act, statute or judicial decree by determining if it diminished or destroyed anyone’s ability to enjoy an unalienable Right (a litmus test), and insisting their Sheriffs join them in saying the unlawfulness in government has gone to far and in doing whatever is required to hold those responsible for an unlawful Act and its perpetuation accountable by applying the laws cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code and Affidavits (see ___________). This is needed to reset our Republic on its lawful foundation and;

Whereas, it is essential these actions be taken to prevent America’s demise and to reestablish it as a nation of laws, the Republic Restoration Initiative (RRI) has taken these positions:

  • The RRI must provide Americans a plan through which they can enjoy the blessings of unity on actions of mutual concern while assuring everyone involved retains their freedom to pursue their special concerns and the tools and leadership needed to implement the plan.
  • In cooperation with their Sheriffs, united Americans must identify the most important unlawful actions by which government has transformed their Republic into an ungodly and lawless nation.
  • United Americans must exercise civil obedience to the Supreme Law, take whatever action is required to assure it is adhered to, and begin holding those responsible for dismantling our lawful government accountable;

Therefore, to prepare for the enforcement of our Supreme Law it is the RRI’s position that every Sheriff should:

  • Notify their constituents of the need for civil obedience to the Supreme Law which means civil disobedience to the unlawful laws they are now being ruled by; that this obedience might precipitate violence by the criminals pretending to represent us, and that in order to prepare to counter this violence they need to assure every able bodied person in their county that has a weapon and is proficient in its use be on standby to be deputized to help enforce the Supreme Law.
  • Give the criminals pretending to be representing “We the People” a notice of demand to initiate action needed to restore lawful government and a time line for doing so to avoid being arrested. Several of the needed actions can be found in _____________________.
  • Inform the members of the judicial system that if they try to circumvent the Supreme Law they will be treated as an enemy of our Constitution, arrested, and tried under the common law authorized by the Bill of Rights.
  • Support their constituents by acting in support of Affidavits of Compliance provided them.

The RRI prays this letter helps inspire the reader to act for the time has come when law abiding God fearing Americans must exercise their Rights. We must respectfully disobey unlawful Acts and do whatever it takes to restore our Republic. The alternative is to relegate it to a page in history.

Should you (the reader) need additional information regarding our Republic’s restoration please click on the "Informative Information" tab at the top of the page. The RRI requests that any Sheriff lacking the courage and integrity needed to honor their oath resign, for there have been few times in history when the need to do what is right has been greater.

Following are two pertinent quotes by President John F. Kennedy.

“There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction….”
“Those who make peaceful resolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

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Walter Myers

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