Resolution to the Special Prosecutor re: 

Accountable Judicial System

Whereas, the leadership of the Republic Restoration Initiative agrees with the thirty governors who alleged “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people” and;

Whereas, the evidence to support the governor’s allegation is both clear and abundant meaning our Constitution has been hijacked and those responsible for the “Federal action” are guilty of crimes cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code and;

Whereas, we agree that permitting these crimes to be perpetuated is unacceptable as no person or class of persons can be above the law or immune from prosecution if lawful government is to exist and;

Whereas, we agree that for the governors pledge “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution” to be realized, remedies must originate with We the People and State legislatures and;

Whereas, we agree no higher form of self-government exists, or could exist, than responsible and proper adjudication of indictments and presentments of Grand Juries accessible directly by the People and;

Whereas, our Constitution’s 5th amendment reads: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury…" and;

Whereas, our Constitution’s 5th amendment isn’t included in the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial branch of government but stands alone to provide ’we the people’ a venue through which to subdue the tyranny of a corrupt government trampling upon our natural rights as made clear by Justice Powell in U. S. v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338, 343 (1974) when he wrote: "The institution of the grand jury is deeply rooted in Anglo-American history. [n3] In England, the grand jury [p343] served for centuries both as a body of accusers sworn to discover and present for trial persons suspected of criminal wrongdoing and as a protector of citizens against arbitrary and oppressive governmental action” and;

Whereas, in 1946, the enemies of "We the People" wishing to establish a New World Order tried to insulate themselves from citizen’s oversight so they could continue their unconstitutional “Federal action” unimpeded by adopting Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCP) rendering Presentments obsolete and thereby deprived us of one of our most precious rights and;

Whereas, it’s absolutely essential ‘we the people’ have access to properly functioning Grand Juries as authorized and intended by the Constitution to give us the power to prevent government from overleaping the great barrier intended to defend the rights of the people, therefore;

Be it Resolved, the undersigned request the state of _______________________ pass a bill requiring Grand Jury products be honestly and timely adjudicated by a special prosecutor responsible, under penalty of law, for responsibly adjudicating Presentments originating from a grand jury charged with identifying “Federal actions” found to exceed “the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people” as alleged by thirty Republican governors in order to assure the peaceful protection of our unalienable rights.



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