Steps to Freedom

The challenge facing freedom loving Americans is enormous! To peacefully meet it they must cooperate and communicate with one another, retain the Constitution of 1787 as their beacon, make effective and efficient use of the soap and mail boxes in all their forms, create a team capable of inspiring County Sheriffs to recognize their authority and to use it to insure their Constituents are able to enjoy their unalienable Rights and convince State Legislators to recognize and exercise their proper role as Principals to the Constitution. State actions should include restoring the integrity of the Common Law grand jury and ballot boxes so we will have the tools to peacefully hold Federal officials accountable.

Our local and State elected officials must be inspired to use their powers of intercession and nullification to correct unconstitutional Federal actions and to follow a few common sense steps. Since the Federal government declared itself to be the official enemy of “we the people” it’s refused to listen to their pleadings for responsible action. Our alternatives are a massive replacement of those in the Congress, responsible action by Sheriffs, local and State officials and the cartridge box. A peaceful resolution rests in creating a movement which must begin with creating a National Leadership Team having a viable plan, the tools needed to implement it, and the ability to inspire people to take some vital steps. These steps include but aren’t limited to the following.

1. We must recognize God is in control, that our problem is a spiritual problem in that too many people have ignored the importance of James 4:17 saying “to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin”” and their having failed to honor this passage by doing what is right. Thirty governors described a major result of this problem on 11-22-94 by agreeing: “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed to the people. The government of ‘limited, delegated powers’ envisioned by the framers has become a government of virtually unlimited power.” By ignoring this we now find America to be morally, philosophically, institutionally and financially broke.

2. Individual and national repentance and commitment. Americans must acknowledge and truly regret their sins, earnestly seek deliverance, discard the strange Gods so prominent within our culture, choose to honor and serve the living God, accept that faith without action is dead and look for ways to engage in meaningful action.

3. Acknowledge:
a. A problem cannot be solved by fixing a symptom or while in a defensive mode doing damage control. We the people must engage in offensive action!
b. It’s unrealistic to expect the criminals in the Federal government who created and/or perpetuated our ills to solve them! Still, having us plead with the Congress for help is the advice of most individuals and organizations. We must ignore them and stop supporting them!!
c. Thousands of organizations have tried to unilaterally restore our Republic and failed. Common sense says a different approach is needed; it being unity on truly meaningful actions of mutual interest through a plan assuring everyone involved retains their freedom to pursue their special interests.
d. To correctly assess the motives of individuals and organizations we must judge them by their walk, not their talk. Those refusing to help develop a plan and/or implement one are a part of the problem; not the solution. We must stop supporting them and assure our resources are applied to meaningful action.
e. The institutional breakdown of our Federal government has prohibited - and will continue to prohibit - corrective action regardless of the political party in power unless forced to change by an undeniable electorate. In the past Americans have alternated between Republicans and Democrats having control of government and expected a different result. This, by definition, is insanity and must stop.
f. We need to create a movement that recognizes we have but a few boxes with which to peacefully solve our problem; the “soap” and “mail” boxes in all the forms, the jury boxes and the ballot box.

4. Accept that a failure to plan is a plan to fail! It’s essential patriotic Americans plan their work and work their plan. The plan must assure those helping to implement it can pursue their special interests while working with others on actions of mutual interest. It must also assure we the people hold the moral high ground, provide for meaningful offensive action, and be revised as innovative ideas arise and our political environment changes.

5. Discernment and responsible action. We must be sure every individual and organization relying on our support are a part of the solution and withdraw it from those that aren’t. This includes withdrawing support from the incorporated businesses created by a Secretary of State and calling themselves a “church.” Since a created can’t be greater than its creator, the state is god to such corporations; all of which are in violation of the First Commandment.

6. We must honor Mr. Medori Severi’s advice saying "until we abandon our manifold private agendas and unite, we will merely be hapless observers standing at the bottom of a dark, deep pit, wistfully hoping to save the world, but really doing little more than breaking the fall of compatriots who are pushed in on top of us. Only by uniting in a common effort devoid of subjective paradigms will we be able to mold the human spirit upon which we may ascend to freedom...." -

7. We must diligently honor Gillaume Pitt's advice saying "every meeting, every conference, and every conversation is a failure that does not produce an army. The first requisite of an army is to subscribe to service....," Our limited time and resources demand we capitalize on every available opportunity to build the needed “army.” It’s essential a leadership team be created, that it develop or adopt a viable plan and cause the tools required to facilitate its implementation be developed.

WARNING – Presently, there is NO known existing individual or organization that has a viable plan and the tools needed to implement it other than the Republic Restoration Initiative! Before joining any other one ask: what is your plan for inspiring a national repentance; for convincing the 99.7%+ of incorporated businesses posing as a “church” to get right with God; for restoring America’s ability to control its own destiny which must include getting the U. S. out of the U. N., terminating the FED and bringing monetary policy out from under the 5th plank of the Communist Manifesto and into compliance with Art. 1 Sec 8:5 of the Constitution of 1787, and shedding America and Americans of the ungodly, unconstitutionally created and un payable debts we theoretically owe as a result of present policy; for developing and Implementing a national economic recovery program; for restoring a Constitutionally compliant judicial system which must include assuring our courts base their decisions on the Constitution rather than the Uniform Commercial Code and recognition of the common law juries recognized by the Bill of Rights; for again making America’s founding document the Supreme Law, and more.

8. Recognize everyone is either a part of the problem or the solution in our war whose outcome will be the liberty in which Christ told us to stand fast (Gal 5:1) or slavery; that a plan demands action which only comes through individual effort; that it's time for each of us to “choose this day whom we will serve” (Josh 24:15), and that anyone unwilling to cooperate and coordinate with others in the effort to restore our Republic are asleep or motivated by fear, ego, money or a false God and are to be avoided.

9. Commitment - To be effective, people need to be an active participant on a team such as that described at

10. A data base and communications system are needed thru which the leadership team or its representatives can contact all registrants simultaneously or on a geopolitical basis or by category is available. To register with it go to

11. Recognize it is our states, as the Principals to the Constitution and under the Law of Agency, and our Sheriffs who have the authority and fiduciary responsibility to assure the proper interpretation and enforcement of the Constitution and that it is up to knowledgeable, freedom loving, patriotic voters to assure they exercise it.

At this moment in time there is no known individual or organization pursuing a viable plan or having the tools needed to implement one. The most important actions an individual can take at this time are to help create a local team having liaisons with various segments of society whose mission is to educate its members and to inspire them to do what is right, help to provide the needed national leadership by becoming a member of the leadership, legislative or legal teams or the many Objective Pursuit Teams called for in the plan proposed on Constitution Day, 1993.

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Walter Myers

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