Take America Back

Ladies and gentlemen,

James Madison wrote:

"The preservation of a free government requires, not merely that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained, but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great barrier which defends the rights of the people. The rulers who are guilty of such encroachment exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are TYRANTS. The people who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them and are slaves"

Though it disturbs me to tell you this, WE ARE SLAVES! Our nation, which was birthed as a Constitutional Republic whose government was founded on biblical principles for the purpose of securing for Americans their unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and opportunity for Happiness is history!

Our institutions of government have been taken over by political parties and people committed to merging the U.S. into a one world government based on Fascism, a political philosophy stressing the primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to it, subordination of individual will to the state's authority, and harsh suppression of dissent.

The installation of Fascism is a prelude to the New World Order (NWO); “a world that has a supra-national authority to regulate world commerce and industry, an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a world development fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order."

According to this definition the NWO will be a global prison operating under Humanism, a religion recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court. On 11-22-1994, thirty governors agreed Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed to the people. The government of limited, delegated powers envisioned by the framers has become a government of virtually unlimited power. One highly important unlawful act is the use of self-inflicted emergencies and the subsequent use of emergency powers which, in the eyes of those intent upon creating the New World Order, give government the authority to totally ignore our Constitution and thereby the right to exceed the commission from which they derive their authority in the words of Madison.

Using this unlawful authority, they stole our lawfully constituted government! An example of their crimes is found in Public Law 313 (4-14-1952) in which the Federal government admitted its support of the United Nations is unconstitutional and contingent upon its continuing to operate under emergency powers. It said: "Whereas the existing state of war and the termination thereof would render certain statutory provisions inoperative and Whereas some of these statutory provisions are needed to insure the capacity of the United States to support the United Nations it is desirable to extend these statutory provisions."

Incidentally, government's official enemy in this war is the American people. This is a result of the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act being upgraded by the Emergency Banking Act of March 9,1933 and applied to we the people. According to Mr. Carl Rix, former President of the American Bar Association, America's biblically based Constitution was replaced by the United Nations Charter. In referring to it in Senate testimony on May 11, 1955, he summarized our Constitution's death by saying: "Congress is no longer bound by its Constitutional system of delegated power. Its only test is under the obligatory power to promote human rights (not to be confused with the unalienable rights guaranteed by our (Constitution) in these fields of endeavor: Civil, political, economic, social and cultural."

These (powers) are found in Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter of the United Nations. Congress may now legislate as an uninhibited body with no shackles of delegated powers under the Constitution. Our entire system of government of delegated powers of Congress has been changed to a system of undelegated powers without amendment (of the Constitution) by the people of the United States. 

It's self-evident that people wishing to leave a legacy of liberty to their posterity must unite in an effort to Take America Back to its lawfully constituted government and traditional values. This is our challenge! To meet this challenge it's urgent and necessary we begin with a plan as a failure to plan is a plan to fail. It isn't enough to just understand how the TYRANTS are negating our God given rights or to teach others; the need is to reclaim control of government and to resurrect them! To do so, we must unite on issues and meaningful actions of common concern through a concept that will assure everyone retains their freedom to pursue their special interests.

If we will do this, we can create an undeniable Take America Back (TAB) team willing to confront those in positions of public trust with offerings of truth and demands it be acted upon; a team having the ability and determination to hold those who won't accountable. The needed TAB team is described in the paper at www.thecnc.org/Documents/1776.htm.
The sad fact is that if we allow our nation's organic Constitution (the Declaration of Independence, Constitution for the united States of America, and Bill of Rights) to become a political relic, the entire world faces the sunset of freedom and justice as its sacred principles and procedures are the world's beacon of hope! It must be resurrected, protected and restored at any cost!

As you probably know, the price of freedom isn't free. It demands constant vigilance over ourselves and government! Providing voters the knowledge, courage, and resolution to act is a responsibility of leadership. People must be informed of their plight and the fact that an honest person has two choices when aware of a wrong: act to make it right or cease to be honest. I pray you will choose to be honest. I often pray for God's direction and protection during these turbulent times and that you will do likewise with full confidence that if it be God's will that Americans will repent, act out their faith and stand.

Thanks to the Republic Restoration Initiative a communications system allowing registrants to locate and communicate with other concerned voters in their county and state is now available at _____________________.

People who sincerely want to restore lawful government and to honor James 4:17 and do what's right should register with it, urge their contacts to do likewise, and help create the Take America Back team by assuming responsibility for one of its identified missions. Registration is FREE.

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Walter Myers

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