The Way It Is

FACT - Every identifiable elected official has - and continues - to adhere to the central bankers and their minions who are at the heart of America's problems. No known elected official has made any effort to bring monetary policy into compliance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution of 1787.

They and the central bankers are, without question, enemies of our Constitution. As such they are guilty of Treason. Patriotic Americans wishing to restore the Republic have no choice but to unite in an effort to execute one of the following options which are the only choices through which to peacefully restore our Republic.

  1. We can try to educate and inspire incumbents to honor their oath.
  2. We can recall and replace those who won't listen or responsibly act.
  3. We can work to assure incumbent elected officials are replaced with responsible representation at the next election.
  4. We can use the Affidavit process to hold them criminally reliable and accountable.

Efficiently and effectively exercising any of these options demands access to a comprehensive plan and the tools needed to implement it. The only organization known to have a comprehensive plan is the Restore the Republic Initiative (RRI). The RRI is presently working on setting up a web site and developing the needed communications and organizational systems needed to attack this problem.

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Walter Myers

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