In order to restore our Constitutional Republic we must first restore Congress. Both the Senate and House are a part of a gigantic crime syndicate. The nenbers of Congress have become the agents of the Wall Street bankers and Corporations who are pic
In the 1870 census it was reported that the population of the United States was 39,818,449. This meant there should have been 1,328 Representatives in Congress and therefore, 665 Representatives would need to be seat
Rather than teaching us how to be free and independent, we have been taught that it is the responsibility of the government to take care of us. In order to be truly free, we must take personal responsibility to take care of ourselves.
When our founding fathers wrote the Constitution they created new form of government based on principles. Their objective was to create a government with enough power to protect the rights of the power witho
Each state has a right to be equally represented in House of Representatives. Each state is entitled to have not more than and not less than one representative for every thirty-thousand inhabitants.
Today the states are not being equally represented
The United States government is exceptional but whether it is exceptionally good or bad depends on how you look at it. When American people rally countries when hit by earthquakes, floods and other disasters we are exceptiona
In order to hold our Congressional representatives we simply need to refuse to re-elect them. We can impeach our representatives every two years by voting the incumbents out of office.
The primary job of a state legislator is to prevent the abuse of
The Tenth Amendment makes it very clear that all powers not delegated to Congress in the Constitution are reserved to the states and to the people. When Congressional representatives assume powers that are not delegated t
This website was created for the seventy million grandparents in the United States who are concerned about the direction in which our country is headed. Unfortunately, the vast majority of seniors have forgotten, or were never taught, the princi
The single greatest threat to our survival as a nation is the ever increasing number of ignorant and uninformed voters. When the majority of people making the decisions are motivated by greed, we are sailing abo
Before we can restore our Constitutional Republic, we must first restore the Republican Party. Today the vast majority of registered Republicans have forgotten or were never taught the principles upon which our nation
This website was created for the seventy million grand parents in the United States that are concerned about the direction our country is headed. Unfortunately, the vast majority of seniors have forgotten,, or were never taught. the princi
Conventional wisdom is nothing more than the opinions offered by the agents of the Wall Street bakers and corporations. We are enslaved due to by our ignorance and gullibility .
Trusting the so called experts is like trusting Pi
Don't be confused people. This is what we get when we let our Representative Districts reach 750,000 Constituents/Rep. That's too many people under one voting umbrella. Too much diversity exists in