Morton IX's Articles (97)

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Do’s and Don’ts

Many people are jumping on the bandwagon of single and/or limited issue organizations in search of a solution to America’s problems. This is a mistake as the restoration of America’s Republic is contingent on the successful resolution

The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment To
The Constitution For The United States

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and

Hypocrisy, Sin & Cognitive Dissonance

Could these three items harbor the root of Americas problems? The Bible tells us that Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Pr. 14:34); that all have sinned and come short of the g

State Controlled Churches:

The 501-c3 Deception

Churches and religious organizations that accept governmental authorization for financial gain, for permission to assemble, etc., are then controlled by the state.  They invariably become tools of the

The Way It Is

FACT - Every identifiable elected official has - and continues - to adhere to the central bankers and their minions who are at the heart of America's problems. No known elected official has made any effort to bring monetary policy into

Disgusting and Distasteful Truths

When it comes to the following facts there is no difference between the Republican and Democrat political parties. They are two wings of a socialist bird intent upon supporting the creation of a global prison known a

A Dream
Though time has rendered much of this obsolete the “dream” persists.
9/18/04 (updated 3/17/08)
FROM: Walter Myers (
SUBJECT:  The VISION behind the plan FOR TAKING

Dismantling a Republic

 The following link provides Historical Proof of the corruption of crimes for commerce against each of us including

  • Personage,
  • Peonage,
  • Fraud,
  • Slavery,
  • Involuntary Servitude,
  • Unlawful Conversion, and even
  • False Charges

An Abbreviated History of the 

Republic Restoration Initiative (RRI)


The RRI dates back to Walter Myers’ introduction to the Spotlight newspaper in the late 1970s. He subscribed. Each week he received a dose of disturbing information on how America

The Communist Manifesto

(A Brief Overlay)

Karl Marx was paid by the "League of the Just" (later "Communist League") in 1847 to write The Communist Manifesto, and again to rewrite it in 1848. The Manifesto was intended to incite violent revolution, wa


This document explains the responsibility of Sheriffs. At the
moment none are known to be exercising their responsibility.
Only if and when “we the concerned” are well enough
organized to give Sheriffs the incentive and support they need
can we

Republic Restoration Initiative

Objective Pursuit Teams and their misssion/objectives Education - educate as many of the world’s people as possible on how America’s Republic has been illegally transformed from a nation based on the principles of natu

Steps to Freedom

The challenge facing freedom loving Americans is enormous! To peacefully meet it they must cooperate and communicate with one another, retain the Constitution of 1787 as their beacon, make effective and efficient use of the soap and

Summary of the RRI's Plan for

Restoring Lawful Government

Introduction - When the British Captain of the Serapis suggested Admiral John Paul Jones surrender he replied saying “I have not yet begun to fight!" So it is with America’s patriots. We have

Outline of Actions for Local RRI Chapters

It’s impossible to over emphasize the importance of local RRI Chapters. It’s they who must bypass the controlled media in order to educate the general public and inspire action. It’s through them that the pro

Options & Actions

If we the concerned are to restore our Republic to its lawful foundation, we must gain control of our rogue Federal government. We have six options for doing so; the success of each being contingent on unity on the actions by millio

Proposed Constitutionalist’s Declaration of Demands

By Walter Myers


It’s true one must stand for something to avoid falling for anything. And though most Americans agree “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Co

Letter from the Editor

Dear Fellow gun owners, Americans & Constitutionalists.

James Madison wrote: “The preservation of a free government requires, not merely that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained

America, A Post Christian Nation

That America's government was founded on Christian principles for the purpose of securing people's unalienable right to Life, Liberty and an opportunity for Happiness is unquestionable. America's motto is "In God We T