Online Activities, Games and Quizzes
Online Activities, Games and Quizzes
Read more…Online Activities, Games and Quizzes
Read more…For over 200 years we have enjoyed a level of prosperity above and beyond that of every other nation on earth, but we are now on the verge of financial suicide. When the principles of sound government are violated, there are inevitable consequences
Read more…Most parents and grandparents don't believe that they are capable to educating their children at home. They have been taught to believe that only teachers certified by the government are capable or educating our youth.
Public schools don't teach ch
Congress is considering borrowing enough money to give every adult a check for $1,200. The fact is that the government is just returning a portion of the $146 trillion dollars in assets that they have stolen from the American people.
Go to the U.S.
Read more…Dear Charles,
I applaud your commitment to the reform of Congress and your enthusiasm for leveling the playing field between The House members and the American people, but I have been sounding the horn for many years in reference to The House. Howeve
Read more…Public Schools are a Dangerous Place
Every form of government instituted by the minds of men has divided the people into two unequal classes. The first class consists of a ruling class and the second one, of subjects.
In theory our Constitution was based on the premise that all men
Read more…Our founding fathers were very concerned about the threat of a foreign invasion and up until now we have been able to repel foreign invasions. The Constitutional Convention was held to amend the Articles of Confederation in order to strengthen govern
Read more…Children don't need to go to school to walk or talk and the don't need a public school to learn how to read or write. Learning is a natural phenomena that can best take place in the home. Sending a child to a government indoctrination center for 13 y
Read more…The Problem with Secession