Blacks make up 13% of the total US population and yet 65% of NFL (including mixed race) and 80% of NBA are black. The reason is that blacks tend to be bigger, stronger and faster that Caucasians. While 13% of the people in t |
All Discussions (3261)
Looking for the Corona Canary - JR Harrison
Looking for the Corona Canary
JR Harrison
The year was 1999 and we were most certainly looking at the end of America as we knew it. At least that was the fear. The clocks would fail to turn over to the year 2000 and planes would suddenly drop out o
Read more…Reducing the World Population
Are You a Useless Eater?
Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates have promoted the reduction of the world's population. The first group of people to be terminated are the elderly useless eaters.
The CoronaVirus targets the elderly useless eaters.
Stop Stealing Our Money - The CAFR Swindle
The government owns over 600 million acres of land. Congress could sell some of this land to fund the government instead of taxing our income.
Also, the government owns 70% of the stock in the Fortune 500 Companies. The government currently controls
Read more…Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
For over 100 years those who control politics have created problems in order to achieve political objectives that would have otherwise been impossible.
These events are known as "False Flag Operations."
Congressional Misconduct - Secession
When eleven of the southern states seceded from the Union, Abraham Lincoln waged war against them to force them back into the Union. When the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were proposed to the states after the Civil War, many of the former states h
Read more…State Parks - Dormitories for Homeless Vets
- The state of California had the highest number of veterans experiencing homelessness. There were an estimated 11,472 homeless veterans.
- There are tens of thousands of unemployed and underemployed veterans
- 70 of the Califor
Comparing the Races
Mosquitoes Kill Millions
Every year mosquitoes kill millions every year, but the World Health Organization is more concerned about a virus that is expected to kill thousands.
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Unratifying the 17th Amendment
When the 17th Amendment was submitted to the states for ratification Alaska and Hawaii had not yet been admitted as states. In for the proposed amendment to be ratified it would need the approval of the legislatures of 36 or the 48. On April 8, 1913,
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