----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Law (56)

A gift from God.

I will put this down as i have studied iot much i may change a few words but Fredrick Bastiat gave to us the true definition of law.

Life Is a Gift from God.

We hold from God the gift which includes all others. This gift is life physical, intellectu

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What is Law?

8575539289?profile=originalNatural Law

By Keith Broaders

Natural Law is the foundation of a free society. The premise of Natural Law is that all men and women are born with the same rights and responsibilities. This is supposedly the foundation of our Representative Republic.

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The Park Police

This has got to be the most idiotic thing I have EVER seen in America or anywhere else in the world. If you believe these park police are doing the right thing, then ignore this article. If not:

Watch This Video - Adam Kokesh, Body Slammed

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Codes Are Not Laws

This is Mike's opinion of what's going on.

Statutes, Acts, Ordinances

and Codes ARE NOT LAWS



Statutes,acts,ordinances and codes ARE NOT laws, they are legislative “RULES” of a society. Legislative rules of a society are given force through law. L

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Natural Law

In the Declaration of Independence when Thomas Jefferson made reference to the Laws of Nature and Mature's God, he was talking about Natural Law or the laws that govern the Universe, These laws are what make up what is known and English Common Law. T

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