Morton IX's Articles (97)

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Why We are Doing This

Welcome to the home of the Republic Restoration Initiative (RRI); the only organization known to have a comprehensive written plan dedicated to taking America back to its lawfully constituted form of government and traditional v

Republic Restoration

Position Papers

I find America's greatest need to be a leadership team for patriotic Americans having a viable plan and the tools to implement it. I suggest the team should begin by issuing position papers that will secure for i

 regarding the


prepared by the Republic Restoration Initiative team

BACKGROUND - Prior to adoption of the seventeenth amendment, U.S. senators were elected by their state's legi

Resolution re: Questionable Federal action

House and/or Senate Joint Resolution ___. Introduced by:  ___________________

Digest: This bill establishes a commission to examine evidence thought to cause thirty Republican governors to allege “Federal ac

Resolution re: Law Enforcement & Supreme Law


Whereas, America’s Supreme Law consists of the policies and procedures cited in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of 1787, and Bill of Rights and;


County Resolution to Protect Rights

 Mr. Renz
A group of us are attempting to implement the only known comprehensive plan designed to help empower people in restoring our Republic. One of the teams the plan calls for is a Legal Initiative team.

A Resolution by the County Commission/Board of Supervisors of ______________County,
State of _______________
Whereas, the citizens of this County are experiencing severe economic hardship and 
Whereas, it’s clear this hardship is being intention

A Resolution by the City of __________________
County of _____________State of ______________

Whereas, this city and its citizens are experiencing severe economic hardship and

Whereas, it’s clear this hardship is being intentionally imposed on all Am

A Resolution regarding the Status of America's Organic Constitution by the City of ____________,County of _____________, State of _____­­__________.


Whereas, America’s foremost PROBLEM is too many people failing to acknowledge the importance of Jam

A Resolution by the City of ______________, State of _____________

Whereas, thirty Republican governors agreed "Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated Rights guaranteed to the people;

Regarding Local Area Support Teams (LAST)
Whereas, RRI’s mission includes aiding all members of society whenever and wherever possible with emphasis on providing a plan design

Resolution to the Special Prosecutor re: 

Accountable Judicial System

Whereas, the leadership of the Republic Restoration Initiative agrees with the thirty governors who alleged “Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under

Resolution re: Education

Whereas, the powers delegated to the Federal government from the States through the Constitution are limited and specific and

Whereas, the States delegated no power to the Federal government involving education and

Whereas, t

Regarding unalienable Right to Life

Whereas, the Declaration of Independence states that government’s purpose is to secure for Americans their unalienable Rights to Life. Liberty and pursuit of Happ

A Proposed Resolution for Adoption by Counties re: 2nd Amendment

Whereas, the Declaration of Independence recognizes that our Rights are unalienable, come from God, and that among these Rights is the Right of self-def

Letter from the Editor

Dear Gov. Brewer, Sen. Gould, Rep. McLain, Rep. Goodale:

I listened to President Obama's 7/25/11 speech on the "debt crisis." In my opinion, either he and members of Congress don't understand monetary policy or they intend to s


SUBJECT : Political Action Coordinating Conference (PACC), submission to the RRI leadership team regarding creation of an Objective Pursuit Team (OPT), whose objective is to assure the proper enforcement of our laws.